How to search the Charitable Trusts Register
Information about charitable trust boards, and how to find it
You can search the register free of charge for information about charitable trust boards and their status.
What you can search for
Information available on the register for a charitable trust board includes:
- its name
- incorporation number
- New Zealand Business Number
- date of incorporation
- addresses
- a copy of its trust deed or rules.
Searching the register
To conduct a search, enter a charitable trust board's name, incorporation number or New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) into the search bar on our homepage.
A ‘quick-search’ list of results will appear immediately, providing basic information for charitable trust boards matching your search criteria, including name, incorporation number, NZBN and current status.
For a more detailed list of results, which includes addresses and incorporation date, click on ‘All results’ at the top right-hand corner of the page, or the ‘View more detailed results’ link at the bottom of the quick-search list of results.
Viewing a trust board's information
To view the publicly available information we hold for charitable trust board, click on its name in the search results list.
Access to a trust board's documents
All public documents filed with us are available free of charge. These include:
- a copy of the board's trust deed or rules
- change of address forms (if any).
To access a board's documents
- Search for the charitable trust board, as described above.
- Click on the board's name.
- On the ‘View Details’ screen, click on the ‘Filings’ tab.
- Choose from the list of documents by clicking the link.
- Click on the document number to view, or export the document as a PDF.
Archived documents
All documents filed since April 2002 are available electronically. Prior to 2002, the last complete set of amended rules or trust deed variations are also available electronically.
Archived documents for charitable trust boards that were declared dissolved prior to 31 December 2002 are available from Archives New Zealand.
A search for any archived document can be made on the Archives New Zealand website.
If the records are not available electronically or through Archives New Zealand, the charitable trust board should be approached directly for a copy.