Society applying to incorporate a trust board

How to apply, and what you’ll need to provide

You can apply for incorporation online, by uploading the required form; or manually, by returning the form to us in the post or by email. There is no fee when applying to incorporate as a charitable trust.

Please follow the steps below to submit your application.

If you are applying online

Before you apply online for incorporation as a charitable trust board, you must have:

  • a RealMe® login
  • an online services account with the Companies Office

You’ll also need to have all the necessary information ready.

To submit your application using our online service:

  1. Log in to your online services account.
  2. Select ‘Incorporate a Charitable Trust’ from the online dashboard.
  3. Enter proposed name of your charitable trust board and check on name availability by clicking ‘Name Availability Check’, if you have not already done this by searching our registers.
  4. Select the application type – society as a board.
  5. Upload the required application form, trust deed/rules and any supporting documents, and select ‘Next Step Addresses’.
  6. Add your registered office and communication addresses, and email and phone, if you wish (optional).
  7. On the review screen, check all information entered and complete the signatory details.
  8. Select ‘Submit’.

Log in and incorporate a trust board online

To submit your application manually

  1. Download Form CT2 – Application by a society for incorporation as a charitable trust board.
  2. Complete the application form (see requirements).

Send the completed application form, and a copy of the trust deed or rules to us.

By post to —

Companies Office
Private Bag 92061
Victoria Street West
Auckland 1142

or by email to

What happens next

We'll check your application. The processing time is up to 3 working days from the date we receive your application.

If your application is in order, we will register your board name. We’ll email or post a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation to the person who filed the application.